Put Stock in Something That Matters

Did you know that when you donate appreciated stock, you may avoid the tax on the gain while deducting 100% of the value of the contribution? That makes stock gifting one of the most tax-advantaged ways to give. And when you donate stock, we get to keep the proceeds that would have gone to pay taxes - it’s a win-win for you and us! And now it’s fast, safe, and free to donate stock to College Prep Student-Athlete Foundation.

We have partnered with DonateStock.com to enable our supporters to make stock donations in 10 minutes or less. By clicking on the DonateStock button below, you can initiate a stock gift from your brokerage through a secure portal in minutes at no cost to you.

So, remember, charitable giving doesn’t always mean cash. By gifting stock, your support will have an even greater impact — without denting your pocketbook.

This year give smart and save more by putting stock in something that matters.


Please Note: This information is not intended to be considered legal or tax advice. For advice regarding all matters associated with charitable giving, please consult an attorney and/or a professional tax advisor.